Magus! Foodservice Cityguide

This is a startup that I have been working on for a few years, as Founder, Prodcut Designer and Product Owner, working in different roles within the product.

This is a startup that I have been working on for a few years, as Founder, Prodcut Designer and Product Owner, working in different roles within the product.

What is Magus?

Magus is a city guide where users can find bars, cafes and restaurants in the city where they live or when visiting a new city. Furthermore, users can purchase discount coupons to visit these places, paying via the web platform or IOS/Android app, so the establishment already opens with a demand for paid coupons.

Magus is a city guide where users can find bars, cafes and restaurants in the city where they live or when visiting a new city. Furthermore, users can purchase discount coupons to visit these places, paying via the web platform or IOS/Android app, so the establishment already opens with a demand for paid coupons.

What did I do or learn?

MVP, PMF, CAC, LTV, MRR and other startup things.

As a startup founder, I learned the importance of a Minimum Viable Product and how to think agile to validate hypotheses.

Interviews, questionnaires and tests.

I interviewed restaurant owners and customers, administered questionnaires, understood business concerns and tested product features.

Plans, Princing and Product Led Growth

Pricing based on customer type, freemium plans and PLG model

Launching a product and the hard side about Marketplaces.

Cashburning in launch and balancing supply and demand in marketplaces.

Aquisition Methods, Affiliates, and Representatives

Affiliate programs, how to use influencers as a form of acquisition and compensation

The cost and learning of making mistakes!

As a founder, every poorly tested bet costs time, money and effort, this teaches you a lot about the importance of studying forms of validation.

Lets talk!